He’s Still Fighting our Battles

A couple years after my husband and I married we decided we wanted to have a child . Three years later and two very early miscarriages we were still childless. Friends were having babies as were my former students. My lowest point came when a young student at the school I worked became pregnant. I shouted angrily at God , WHY??!! Why would you give a child to a child , but not to a 30 something who is more than able?

I was sitting in a church service not paying attention to the preacher , conjuring up ways to take this matter into my own hands. A few acquaintances were using some fertility treatments, but I just didn’t have a peace about doing them. I had no objection to the treatments for others , if it works for someone else that’s great! I just knew in my gut I didn’t need to do that . I Shouldn’t do that .

Lost in my thoughts that night I was startled into the present moment when the preacher clapped loudly, a thunderous awakening ! THIS IS NOT YOUR BATTLE! THIS IS GOD’S BATTLE!
Exodus 14:14

I didn’t know in that church service the night in August 2007, two Very important things had begun:
One- this was the real beginning of my atuning to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
Two- I was already pregnant …

Fast forward a decade or So. It’s Spring 2020 and we are in the midst of a global pandemic . The world is in Panic. I’m running a large business that employs many. There are financial options to bail out companies. I feel uncertain . The “Free” money is there for businesses to have and as I talk to my banker I feel that gnawing in my spirit. As I print the application papers I’m still questioning, should I ??? Other business owners are doing it . But I know this gut check , it’s very familiar . My professional peers are getting govt bailout money and I’m hesitating . I don’t think it’s wrong for them, I just know in my spirit it’s not right for me.

I don’t apply for the money. My accounts are growing . The clients keep calling. Our revenue for month 2 in a global pandemic is the second highest month ever in almost 13years of business.

Yesterday in session my mind wandered as the client was chatting about her situation and I saw it from afar. I saw the parallel of Gods intervention. It’s fine with me (and God) if others take the bailout money. But that’s not my story . That’s not how God and I travel together. His lesson for me in this life, is the Lord is MY portion therefore my Hope is in Him ..(Lamentations 3:24)

He provided all those years ago. Without question the parallel is clear. Jehovah Jireh , my Provider, forever and always amen ! His Provision will sustain me.
His Faithfulness is consistent, trustworthy, continual.

He’s keeps Fighting our Battles.

Watching Pelicans

I’m not sure if you’ve ever seen or watched Pelicans dive for fish. I think it’s just the coolest thing to witness. These Large birds torpedo from High in the sky and nose dive down into the water at great speed . SPLASH!

Here’s to the Moms

Here’s to the Working Mom with school aged children , trying to work from home to keep your job , plus manage homeschooling the kids, keep the house clean from all the humans existing at home more hours than usual , and make 3 meals a day and umpteen number of snacks . I See you.

Let your disappointment lead you to compassion

Let your disappointment lead you to compassionI wrote last August about my kiddo not making a school team . She was consumed with disappointment . She’s never really experienced disappointment like that before & I encouraged her to use that experience to build...